One of the main limitations around the Hub is that it only supports ERC20s. That's why we added support for protocol tokens (ETH, MATIC, BNB, etc) on the Companion. The functions are almost exactly the same as the Hub's, but they convert from protocol tokens to their wrapped version, and vice versa.

pragma solidity >=0.8.0 <0.9.0;

import '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol';
import '@mean-finance/dca-v2-periphery/interfaces/IDCAHubCompanion.sol';

contract MyContract {

    address public constant PROTOCOL_TOKEN = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE;
    IDCAHubCompanion public immutable companion;

    constructor(IDCAHubCompanion _companion) {
        companion = _companion;

    /// @notice Creates a new position by converting the protocol's base token to its wrapped version    
    /// @param _to The address of the "to" token
    /// @param _amount How many "from" tokens will be swapped in total
    /// @param _amountOfSwaps How many swaps to execute for this position
    /// @param _swapInterval How frequently the position's swaps should be executed
    /// @param _owner The address of the owner of the position being created
    /// @param _permissions Extra permissions to add to the position. Can be empty
    /// @return The id of the created position
    function depositUsingProtocolTokenAsFrom(
        address _to,
        uint256 _amount,
        uint32 _amountOfSwaps,
        uint32 _swapInterval,
        address _owner,
        IDCAPermissionManager.PermissionSet[] calldata _permissions
    ) external payable returns (uint256) {
        return companion.depositUsingProtocolToken(PROTOCOL_TOKEN, _to, _amount, _amountOfSwaps, _swapInterval, _owner, _permissions);

    /// @notice Creates a new position where the "to" token will be the protocol token    
    /// @param _from The address of the "from" token
    /// @param _amount How many "from" tokens will be swapped in total
    /// @param _amountOfSwaps How many swaps to execute for this position
    /// @param _swapInterval How frequently the position's swaps should be executed
    /// @param _owner The address of the owner of the position being created
    /// @param _permissions Extra permissions to add to the position. Can be empty
    /// @return The id of the created position
    function depositUsingProtocolTokenAsTo(
        address _from,
        uint256 _amount,
        uint32 _amountOfSwaps,
        uint32 _swapInterval,
        address _owner,
        IDCAPermissionManager.PermissionSet[] calldata _permissions
    ) external returns (uint256) {
         // We need to increase the allowance for the companion before calling it        
        IERC20(_from).approve(address(companion), _amount);
        return companion.depositUsingProtocolToken(_from, PROTOCOL_TOKEN, _amount, _amountOfSwaps, _swapInterval, _owner, _permissions);

    /// @notice Withdraws all swapped tokens from a position to a recipient
    /// @param _positionId The position's id
    /// @param _recipient The address to withdraw swapped tokens to
    /// @return _swapped How much was withdrawn
    function withdrawSwappedUsingProtocolToken(uint256 _positionId, address payable _recipient) external returns (uint256 _swapped) {
        _swapped = companion.withdrawSwappedUsingProtocolToken(_positionId, _recipient);

    /// @notice Withdraws all swapped tokens from multiple positions
    /// @param _positionIds A list positions whose 'to' token is the wToken
    /// @param _recipient The address to withdraw swapped tokens to
    /// @return _swapped How much was withdrawn in total
    function withdrawSwappedManyUsingProtocolToken(uint256[] calldata _positionIds, address payable _recipient)
        returns (uint256 _swapped) {
            _swapped = companion.withdrawSwappedManyUsingProtocolToken(_positionIds, _recipient);

    /// @notice Takes the unswapped balance, adds the new deposited funds and modifies the position so that
    /// it is executed in _newSwaps swaps
    /// @param _positionId The position's id
    /// @param _amount Amount of funds to add to the position
    /// @param _newSwaps The new amount of swaps
    function increasePositionUsingProtocolToken(
        uint256 _positionId,
        uint256 _amount,
        uint32 _newSwaps
    ) external payable {
        companion.increasePositionUsingProtocolToken(_positionId, _amount, _newSwaps);

    /// @notice Withdraws the specified amount from the unswapped balance and modifies the position so that
    /// it is executed in _newSwaps swaps
    /// @param _positionId The position's id
    /// @param _amount Amount of funds to withdraw from the position
    /// @param _newSwaps The new amount of swaps
    /// @param _recipient The address to send tokens to
    function reducePositionUsingProtocolToken(
        uint256 _positionId,
        uint256 _amount,
        uint32 _newSwaps,
        address payable _recipient
    ) external {
        companion.reducePositionUsingProtocolToken(_positionId, _amount, _newSwaps, _recipient);

    /// @notice Terminates the position and sends all unswapped and swapped balance to the specified recipients
    /// @param _positionId The position's id
    /// @param _recipientUnswapped The address to withdraw unswapped tokens to
    /// @param _recipientSwapped The address to withdraw swapped tokens to
    /// @return _unswapped The unswapped balance sent to `_recipientUnswapped`
    /// @return _swapped The swapped balance sent to `_recipientSwapped`
    function terminateUsingProtocolTokenAsFrom(
        uint256 _positionId,
        address payable _recipientUnswapped,
        address _recipientSwapped
    ) external returns (uint256 _unswapped, uint256 _swapped) {
        return companion.terminateUsingProtocolTokenAsFrom(_positionId, _recipientUnswapped, _recipientSwapped);

    /// @notice Terminates the position and sends all unswapped and swapped balance to the specified recipients
    /// @param _positionId The position's id
    /// @param _recipientUnswapped The address to withdraw unswapped tokens to
    /// @param _recipientSwapped The address to withdraw swapped tokens to
    /// @return _unswapped The unswapped balance sent to `_recipientUnswapped`
    /// @return _swapped The swapped balance sent to `_recipientSwapped`
    function terminateUsingProtocolTokenAsTo(
        uint256 _positionId,
        address _recipientUnswapped,
        address payable _recipientSwapped
    ) external returns (uint256 _unswapped, uint256 _swapped) {
        return companion.terminateUsingProtocolTokenAsTo(_positionId, _recipientUnswapped, _recipientSwapped);

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